Friday, June 23, 2017

It's Officially Summer at Lac La Nonne

It's only a few days into summer but it's certainly the best time to be living at a lake. The water is crystal clear, the grass is green and the birds keep us entertained if they're not hitting our windows.
Everything that floats is ready to go.

These goldeneyes are shopping around for a place to lay eggs and hatch their young.

One is inside the new birdbox to check out the view.

This female merganser was so pre-occupied chasing minnows that she came right up to me.

Yvonne in the library.

Yvonne had to rest after reading her book.

Moose calf taking a swim.


  1. that photo of the house looks like paradise. Is that a baby moose swimming!!?

  2. those photos of mom are perfect :)
