Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Lake Activity

How time flies!
We've been home for 6 weeks now and this place has literally consumed us. We've been busy with yard work, garden planting, garage sales (both ours and others) visiting with neighbours and just relaxing.

Yvonne starting her day with her morning decaf and….

enjoying the view.

Blue-Winged Teal couple

Common Merganser males cruising by. They hunt together and are fast both on the surface and underwater.

These Butterfies were gathered on the beach. A Robin ran past them, gathering insects for it's young, and seemed totally uninterested.

One of my goals this summer is to make some decent sourdough bread.

A couple tiny Wrens have moved into this little birdhouse near the garden. There is another similar birdhouse nearby and it has been stuffed full of twigs by these wrens to discourage other birds from moving in.

American White Pelicans feeding next to our pier. 


  1. Those pelicans put a whole new concept on synchronized swimming!

  2. Looks so relaxing there... such a nice view :)
